Group alumni
shira joudan
Postdoctoral Researcher, York University, 2020-2022
Now: Assistant Professor, University of Alberta
Shira developed new methods to measure atmospherically-relevant acids.
Ye tao
Postdoctoral Researcher, York University, 2020-2022
Now: Environmental Fate Modeller, Health Canada
Ye examined gas-particle partitioning of atmospheric acids and how these could be used to understand atmospheric processes.
Alexander moravek
Postdoctoral Researcher, York University, 2019-2020
Now: Research Staff, German Environment Agency (UBA)
Alex examined the chemistry and transport of reactive species in indoor and outdoor environments.
Elizabeth Gaona Colmán
Postdoctoral Researcher, York University, 2018-2019
Elizabeth worked on new lab approaches to understand the atmospheric formation and chemistry of perfluoroalkyl acids.
Graduate Students
eric vanhauwaert
MSc, York University, 2024
Now: Junior Analytical Chemist, CASSEN Testing Laboratories
Eric validated a new method to measure gaseous perfluoroalkyl acids and used it to measure them in the environment.
dylan Indos
MSc, York University, 2023
Dylan exploried the physical properties of perfluoroalkyl substances and the impacts on atmospheric sampling.
Lindy Carmichael
MSc, York University, 2022
Lindy developed a new passive sampling method to measure gas-phase perfluorocarboxylic acids.
teles furlani
PhD, York University, 2021
Now: Senior Environmental Officer, Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation, and Parks
Teles developed and validated new methods to measure atmospheric reactive chlorine. He deployed these techniques to better understand the role of reactive chlorine in air quality.
Joseph Bautista
PhD, Memorial University, 2019
Now: Instrument Specialist, Pathogenia Lab
Joseph developed new methods for the collection and analysis of polybrominated diphenyl ethers and their natural analogues from atmospheric and biological samples in Newfoundland.
kathryn dawe
MSc, Memorial University, 2018
Now: Environmental Chemist, SEM Ltd.
Kathryn focused on measuring and understanding reactive chlorine species indoors.
Heidi pickard
MSc, Memorial University, 2017
Now: Lead Consultant, Ramboll
Heidi worked with ice cores to better understand the long-range transport of perfluoroalkyl substances to the Canadian Arctic.
Bryan place
MSc, Memorial University, 2017
Now: SciGlob/NASA
Bryan developed analytical methods to detect trace reactive nitrogen species in the environment. His project was co-supervised by Dr. Trevor VandenBoer.
robert di lorenzo
PhD, Memorial University, 2016
Now: Sales Representative, SCIEX
Rob developed novel methods to characterize aerosol brown carbon and the applied these methods to atmospheric samples.
xiaolei li
MSc, Memorial University, 2016
Li worked to increase our understanding the physical properties of contaminants and the implication for environmental transport.
Katherine richman
MES, Memorial University, 2015
Now: Environmental Program Officer, Atlantic Region Environmental Protection Section, Environment and Climate Change Canada
Kat made new measurements of contaminants in size-resolved aerosols indoors.
selected undergraduate students
Brandon McShane, 2022-2023, CHEM 4000 Now: MSc Student, York U
Gailmyra Fuentes, 2021-2022, CHEM 4000
Yashar Ebrahimi-Iranpour, 2020-2021, Research Experience Now: MSc Student, York U
Venita Sitahal, 2020, DURA Summer Student Now: MSc Student, York U
Alex Gopaul, 2020, CHEM 4000 Now: MSc Student, Toronto Metropolitan University
Hossein Ghezelbash, 2018, CHEM 4000
Melanie Snow, 2016-2017, Honours Now: Software Product Manager, Sciex
Courtney Laprise, 2016-2017, Honours Now: Science Educator, Newfoundland
Peter Benson, 2016-2017, NSERC USRA/Honours Now: Science Educator, Newfoundland
Archita Adluri, 2015, Summer Student
Rachel Hems, 2014, Summer Student Now: Visiting Assistant Professor, Mount Holyoke College