Cora, Shira, and Trevor after successfully setting up samplers for the Whales Initiative at Saturna Island, BC, December 2021

Cora and Shira exploring Saturna Island, December 2021

Time at the gym sometimes comes in handy for field work! December 2021

Whales Initiative sampling site in Tadoussac, QC, October 2021

Team installing ECCC's ToF-CIMS at the YorkU rooftop lab, August 2021

Alessia starting up the medium volume sampler on the YorkU roof, July 2021

Teles preparing filters for the MOUDI, July 2021
Alessia installing passive samplers in Quebec, November 2019

FIREX-AQ Chem Otter team

Lisa directing the NOAA Twin Otter during FIREX-AQ, August 2019.

Lisa with brown carbon PiLS for FIREX-AQ, July 2019

Lisa and Cora enjoy an American cultural experience--Tater Tots, June 2019.

Solstice hike before FIREX-AQ with NOAA and CU collaborators, June 2019.

Lisa and Cora with Rebecca Washenfelder in El Dorado Canyon near Boulder, CO, June 2019.

Halifax Fog and Air Quality Study (HaliFAQS) almost-complete team photo, June 2019

The HaliFAQS field campaign, hosted at St. Mary's University

The rooftop sampling location for HaliFAQS

Teles and Alex at HaliFAQS main sampling site

View of Halifax Harbour from the HaliFAQS sampling site

Some of the group's instruments deployed at HaliFAQS

Precipitation sampling in western Ontario

The group being trained on our new IC-MS

Daniel sections an ice core from Ellesmere Island

Cora & Tara show off sponsor t-shirts during the ROCC campaign

May 2017
Ice cores collected from the Canadian High Arctic to better understand contaminant transport

May 2017
Our collaborator Ali Criscitiello drills an ice core in the Canadian High Arctic
June 2018
Teles sets up an experiment in the lab

September 2017
Working with collaborators in Syracuse, NY to characterize oxidants indoors
May 2017
Measuring the HCl output of indoor activities, including dishwasher use
September 2015
Sectioning ice cores from the Canadian High Arctic

September 2015
Rob analyzes his biomass burning aerosol samples using UHRMS at the Ontario Ministry of the Environment

July 2013
Biomass burning aerosols impacted onto a nanoMOUDI stage
August 2015
Off-grid automatic precipitation samplers deployed in the remote boreal forest of Newfoundland