Members of the group are often busy working on papers with our collaborators. Three papers have been recently published:
A paper describing a new calibration source for HONO that generates stable, atmospherically-relevant levels was recently published in Atmospheric Measurement Techniques: Lao, M., Crilley, L.R., Salehpoor, L., Furlani, T.C., Bourgeois, I., Neuman, A., Rollins, A.W., Veres, P.R., Washenfelder, R.A., Womack, C.C., Young, C.J., VandenBoer, T.C.* A portable, robust, stable and tunable calibration source for gas-phase nitrous acid (HONO). Atmospheric Measurement Techniques.
A new analysis of data collected during the CalNex campaign in 2010 examining budgets of total reactive carbon was put together by Colette Heald of MIT and published in Environmental Science and Technology: Heald, C.L.,* de Gouw, J., Goldstein, A.H., Guenther, A.B., Hayes, P.L., Hu, W., Isaacman-Vanwertz, G., Jimenez, J.L., Keutsch, F.N., Koss, A.R., Misztal, P.K., Rappengluck, B., Roberts, J.M., Stevens, P.S., Washenfelder, R.A., Warneke, C., Young, C.J. Contrasting reactive organic carbon observations in the southeast United States (SOAS) and southern California (CalNex). Environmental Science and Technology.
The first paper from the Reactive Oxidants from Cleaning in a Chamber (ROCC) campaign was recently published, demonstrating the impact of non-bleach cleaners on gas-phase hydrogen peroxide: Zhou, S., Liu, Z., Wang, Z., Young, C.J., VandenBoer, T.C., Guo, B., Zhang, J., Carslaw, N., Kahan, T.F.* Hydrogen peroxide emission and fate indoors during non-bleach cleaning: A chamber and modeling study. Environmental Science and Technology.
The timely release of this cleaning study garnered attention from the media, with articles in CBC and other media outlets.
Members of the ROCC team hard at work during the measurement intensive.