Goodbye Shira and welcome Mayré!

We bid farewell to postdoctoral researcher, Shira, as she embarks on a few well-deserved months off before starting as an Assistant Professor at the University of Alberta. We are sad to see her go, but excited to see her flourish in her new role!

We also welcome new graduate student, Mayré, to the team. We are excited to have her as part of the group!

Group members attend Canadian Chemistry Conference & Exhibition in Calgary

Members of the group travelled to Calgary earlier this month to present their work at the CCCE.

Alessia presented a poster describing our affordable off-grid precipitation samplers. Shira and Jessica both gave presentations about atmospheric acids collected with the ambient ion monitor-ion chromatograph-mass spec. Shira also presented a poster about leaching of PFAS from laboratory materials. Cora gave a keynote talk on the atmospheric sources and fate of atmospheric acids and officially received her early career research award from the Environment Division of the Chemical Institute of Canada.

Two people talking in front of a scientific poster.

Alessia presents her poster.

Three people in front of scientific poster.

Shira presents her poster.

Woman giving a scientific presentation.

Jessica gives her presentation.

Woman standing in front of conference sign with award.

Cora received the emerging researcher award from the Environment Division of the Chemical Institute of Chemistry.

Two reactive chlorine papers published

Two papers led by postdoctoral researcher Ye Tao were recently published.

High time-resolution measurements of HCl are infrequently reported, but are critical to our understanding of the atmospheric chlorine budget.

Measurements from the CalNex campaign in Los Angeles and Bakersfield, California were published in Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres (link to paper). These allowed us to examine gas-particle partitioning of the HCl/Cl- system.

Measurements from the HaliFAQS campaign in Halifax, Nova Scotia were published in ACS Earth & Space Chemistry (link to paper). These allowed us to develop a new approach to constraining aerosol pH.

Scientific instrument displaying data on top of a rack.

Instrument collecting high time-resolution HCl data at the HaliFAQS campaign.

Whales Initiative sampling sites successfully set up

Our team is part of the Whales Initiative, in which we are trying to better understand contaminant sources to the habitats of at-risk whale populations. In fall of 2021, we set up samplers to understand atmospheric deposition of PFAS into the habitats of the St. Lawrence beluga whales (in Tadoussac, QC) and the Salish Sea killer whales (on Saturna Island, BC).

Sampling site in Tadoussac, QC

Sampling site and team (Cora, Shira, Trevor) on Saturna Island, BC

Team members attend Fluoros Global 2021

Cora, Daniel, and Jessica attended the Fluoros Global 2021 meeting virtually earlier this month.

Cora presented an invited talk on the global distribution and transport of PFAS, Jessica presented a poster on using wastewater treatment plant influent measurements to identify PFAS sources, and Daniel presented a poster on PFAS measurements from an ice core.

Jessica also won a Fluoros 2021 ACS Environmental Poster Award. Congratulations!

Jessica presents her award-winning poster during the awards session at Fluoros Global 2021.

Papers measuring tropospheric HCl published

Two papers from our team related to tropospheric hydrogen chloride (HCl) were recently published. HCl represents the primary gaseous reservoir of reactive chlorine, which has been shown to impact air quality. As a highly surface-active gas, obtaining accurate measurements of gaseous HCl is challenging.

A paper led by Teles validated a new commercial spectroscopic instrument for the measurement of tropospheric HCl. He performed laboratory and ambient intercomparisons to demonstrate the accuracy and precision of this robust and compact new instrument. The paper was published in Atmospheric Measurement Techniques.

Another paper led by Andrea used the same commercial instrument to make measurements of HCl in a coastal city (St. John’s, NL) in the spring and a continental city (Toronto, ON) in the winter. By comparing the HCl measurements with co-located supporting measurements and a global model, we can better understand the sources of HCl in these areas. The paper was published in ACS Earth & Space Chemistry.

The HCl analyzer in action.

The HCl analyzer in action.

Collaborative papers published

Members of the group are often busy working on papers with our collaborators. Three papers have been recently published:

A paper describing a new calibration source for HONO that generates stable, atmospherically-relevant levels was recently published in Atmospheric Measurement Techniques: Lao, M., Crilley, L.R., Salehpoor, L., Furlani, T.C., Bourgeois, I., Neuman, A., Rollins, A.W., Veres, P.R., Washenfelder, R.A., Womack, C.C., Young, C.J., VandenBoer, T.C.* A portable, robust, stable and tunable calibration source for gas-phase nitrous acid (HONO). Atmospheric Measurement Techniques.

A new analysis of data collected during the CalNex campaign in 2010 examining budgets of total reactive carbon was put together by Colette Heald of MIT and published in Environmental Science and Technology: Heald, C.L.,* de Gouw, J., Goldstein, A.H., Guenther, A.B., Hayes, P.L., Hu, W., Isaacman-Vanwertz, G., Jimenez, J.L., Keutsch, F.N., Koss, A.R., Misztal, P.K., Rappengluck, B., Roberts, J.M., Stevens, P.S., Washenfelder, R.A., Warneke, C., Young, C.J. Contrasting reactive organic carbon observations in the southeast United States (SOAS) and southern California (CalNex). Environmental Science and Technology.

The first paper from the Reactive Oxidants from Cleaning in a Chamber (ROCC) campaign was recently published, demonstrating the impact of non-bleach cleaners on gas-phase hydrogen peroxide: Zhou, S., Liu, Z., Wang, Z., Young, C.J., VandenBoer, T.C., Guo, B., Zhang, J., Carslaw, N., Kahan, T.F.* Hydrogen peroxide emission and fate indoors during non-bleach cleaning: A chamber and modeling study. Environmental Science and Technology.

The timely release of this cleaning study garnered attention from the media, with articles in CBC and other media outlets.

Members of the ROCC team hard at work during the measurement intensive.

Members of the ROCC team hard at work during the measurement intensive.